700 MHz TXO Cryo/Open-access/Solid-state Spectrometer - 'Arran' - Room B14

This fantastic instrument is part of the departmental NMR facility for open-access usage with a TXO Cryoprobe for high performance solution state NMR when not required by trained users from the NMR Facility team, Nitschke, Hunter or solid-state groups who need access to high sensitivity, hands-on NMR experiments. Additional training will be required for current users of Glengrant/Auchentoshan who wish to also use Arran.

Unless indicated by a sticky note on the submission PC, the spectrometer will be available for open access experiments running throughout the day.

There are four probes suitable for use in the spectrometer. The original solution state TXO Cryoprobe which utilised the 1H, 13C and 15N channels available in the refurbished Avance II+ console to offer protein structural determination capability is now repurposed to offer a high sensitivity open-access experiment setup. The second solution state probe is a room temperature dual type which was formerly used when in open-access mode before the cryoplatform was repaired. The other probes are solid state, and thus the cryoplatform is turned off and the TXO Cryoprobe or DUL probe removed for the periods when solid state NMR is in progress. The first, and already delivered probe type is a MASSB-DR-BB/1H-1.3mm DVT.  In plain English, it is a CPMAS H/X-Nucleus DVT high speed double resonance probehead for Standard Bore magnets suitable for solid state NMR using 1.3mm rotors. It offers an X-Channel which is tunable between 31P and 15N by means of capacitor changes with high power 1H decoupling.  It has a temperature range of -30ºC to +70ºC. It can rotate at up to 67KHz, with special Bruker rotors. A MASSB-TR-C/N/H-3.2 DVT probe is also ready for use.  Contact the NMR Facility team if you would like to use any of the probes on the 700 MHz. We welcome trained users of Glengrant and Auchentoshan to complete the additional training/familiarisation to become cryoprobe users on the 700MHz.

Time can be booked on the 700MHz spectrometer by trained users here.

A detailed description of the benefits of the 700MHz together with the most common experiments available, with some details of sample requirements is available in a presentation by Pete which can be found here. Other experiments are constantly being developed and added to the open-access offering as required. Note that since the presentation was first put together we now offer open-access all day except during user-operation.

Reference dataset for external reference quantification is available here.


The picture below shows the Avance 700 as it appears at present with our new SampleCase 60 sample changer.

Arran and the new SampleCase

The next picture is a close up view of the sample holder area of the SampleCase 60 sample changer.

SampleCase 60 sample holders

Lastly here is a video of the fantastic operating mechanism of the SampleCase!!

  • Watch the pneumatic operation of our new SampleCase  - once signed into the Streaming Media Service (Raven login required)