400 MHz Avance III HD Smart Probe Spectrometer - 'Auchentoshan' - Room B13B

This spectrometer features a 400 MHz magnet from an older system teamed up with an Avance III HD electronics console and Smart Probe.

The Smart Probe offers increased sensitivity over previous generation room-temperature probes plus the advantage of broadband capabilities with automatic tuning from 15N to 19F.  As the proton and fluorine nuclei are on separate coils, 19F with 1H decoupling and vice-versa together with 2-dimensional 1H/19F experiments are easily handled.

We offer the following 'standard' experimental parameter sets:

proton.std 16 scans 1 min 30 sec
proton-paramag.std 16 scans, SW=347ppm 1 min
carbon.std 256 scans 18 min 30 sec
dept135.std 64 scans 4 min 30 sec
dept90.std 64 scans 4 min
dept45.std 64 scans 4 min
q-cosy.std (purge pulses) 2 scans/256 increments 7 min
cosy.std 2 scans/256 increments 15 min 30 sec
hsqc.std 2 scans/256 increments 10 min
hsqc-ed.std (multiplicity edited) 2 scans/256 increments 10 min
hmbc.std 4 scans/360 increments 50 min
noesy.std (600ms mixing time) 2 scans/360 increments 38 min
19F-CPD.std 32 scans 2 min
19F-1H-coupled.std 32 scans 2 min
31P-CPD.std 32 scans 1 min 30 sec
31P-1H-coupled.std 32 scans 3 min

There are also many other parameter sets that have been created specifically for the needs of the various research group users.  If you can't find what you require please see one of the NMR Facility staff in B28.                                                                

This spectrometer is operated by individually trained group users, who will be able to create their own parameter sets to suit their varied research interests.

The Chemistry Department's new Materials Lecturer Dr Alexander Forse will be siting his gas adsorption spectroscopy rig in this room for use on this spectrometer.

This instrument utilises an online booking system which can be accessed here.