500 MHz Avance III Smart Probe Spectrometer - 'Glenfairn' - Room B13A

Our newest open-access spectrometer comprises an AVIII console with a BBO Smart Probe and SampleXpress sample changer fitted to a 500MHz magnet. This refurbished spectrometer is a 50% match funded EPSRC/NMR Facility instrument and bolsters our capability to provide highly efficient open-access spectroscopy to all the groups in the department that need quick turnaround of results in order to progress research.

We have configured the instrument with the usual NMRKiosk submission PC and the non-adjustable list of NMR experiments familiar to all open-access users. As a Smart Probe 500MHz we have set it up to routinely observe 1H, 13C, 19F and 31P nuclei, although of course many others are available.

The full list of experiments available on Glenfairn is available on our Working in NMR and Covid-19 page and as a poster in the room itself. The usual mix of daytime and overnight experiments make this a versatile instrument capable of a bit more sensitivity and dispersion than the standard 400MHz Laphroaig and Lagavulin.

All the data is archived and backed up on the Analytical file-server storage system. Please go to the NMR Data page for full details of how to access your spectra.

When submitting samples to the instrument would all users please stick to the following convention:

Group Code followed by crsid then  /, followed by your personal identifying code. For example MJG-ABC32/ABC10_Fr2 or ER-SB123/SIMON-11-1a

By following these rules it makes things much easier when preparing the usage lists at the end of each month.

Please remember to collect your tubes promptly after they have been run.  Tubes left in the room are cleared every Tuesday morning around 8:30am and can be found in the labelled beaker in the cold room lobby (CRL). If they subsequently remain uncollected from the CRL for a few weeks then they are likely to be washed up or offered free of charge to other researchers on a first-come first-served basis.

If you have questions or need more information, as always, just visit us in the NMR Facility room, B28.